About Liberty Youth

Planted locally. Watering globally. Kingdom rooted.

Located on the Northwest side of Chicago, Illinois, Liberty Youth is a youth oriented Christian ministry. We focus on building disciples by empowering young people to live their daily lives in constant connection to God the Father, in constant thankfulness to Jesus the Son, and in constant awareness to the Holy Spirit of God that lives in them and through them. Our hope to to see young people transformed through their growing relationship with God through a life of repentance and gratitude, and continued discovery of their identity as children of God.

Local opportunities for encounters with Jesus

Liberty Youth believes in reaching out to the community that we are a part of. Continuing the tradition of our main church community, Liberty Christian Center, Liberty Youth serves the communities of Portage Park and Belmont Cragin in the following ways.

Wednesday Let’s Get Out!

We are the church, called to the world, not the world called to go to church. We believe Jesus commissioned us to go out and make disciples, and that can mean our younger sibling, a cousin, a friend at school, or anyone around us looking to know God more. On Wednesdays we get together to focus on training young people on how to talk about their faith, how to hear and follow the promptings of God, and how to speak to strangers on the street about the good news of Jesus Christ!

Sunday Basketball League

Come and join us in person at the Bridge on 3859 N Central Ave in Chicago Illinois. We’re currently meeting every Sunday, 5-8pm. We’ll be running regular pick up games for casual players as well as regular tournaments for those looking for more of a challenge. Groups of 40 are common and we are expecting to grow so come early, stay late, and bring your team!

Friday Youth Gatherings

Friday Youth Gatherings, start at 7:30pm

Friday night at 7:30pm, join us as we get together as a community to discuss God’s word and connect with each other. Worship, prayer, hearing from God, and a genuine desire to just be in God’s presence is the focus during our gatherings. We support each other and minister to those in need of a touch from God.

Global opportunities to encounter Jesus

Monday Game Time

Once a week we get together over zoom and play video games! We kick it off with a devotional and community prayer, and then the competition begins! Of course, that doesn’t mean we don’t honor each other, we all aim to show respect and value each other’s voice and opinions. Every player is significant, and we all work hard to remind each other of that!

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:16-20

The Good News of the Kingdom of God creates gratitude in the hearts of new believers ; compelling the disciple to go and make more disciples.